Quotes and Affirmations

Positive Affirmations to say Every Day

Positive Affirmations to say Every Day | girlhasamind.com

I forgive myself for my own perceived faults and mistakes. I do not judge myself and I choose to treat myself with kindness and compassion.

  1. I forgive myself for my own perceived faults and mistakes. I do not judge myself and I choose to treat myself with kindness and compassion.
  2. There is nothing wrong with my emotions. I accept them and I move on.
  3. I am not my thoughts. I let the bad thoughts go without dwelling on them.
  4. I give myself permission to do what is right for me. To take time for myself, and to put energy into things that matter to me.
  5. I put myself first. This does not mean I do not care about others, just that I care about myself first. 
  6. I am growing every day, I am learning about myself and I am becoming at peace in my own skin. And I am learning that I am pretty amazing.
  7. I trust my own judgement and intuition.  The voice inside me is wise and clever, and knows what is best for me.
  8. I love myself and I respect myself. This means saying NO to some people who don’t respect me.
  9. I am normal. There is nothing wrong with me. There is nothing wrong with how I think or see the world. I am a normal human being. I am perfect the way I am.
  10. I deserve the best that life can give me. I  deserve to have a good career, a loving partner, a healthy body and mind, and happy life.
  11. I respect myself. I  treat myself with respect, and I expect others to do the same.
  12. Even good people have bad days. I am not a bad person for having a bad day. Bad days are merely part of life.
  13. I am at peace, from within and without. I am calm and I am happy.
  14. I love my body. It is strong and healthy and beautiful and part of me.
  15. I am enough, just as I am. Enough to be loved. Enough to be respected. I am enough.
Positive Affirmations to say Every Day | girlhasamind.com

You can learn more about Affirmations and how to use them effectively by checking out this article I wrote a while ago.

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